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South Arkansas Reckoning is a 100% reader-funded publication that was created to bring back news that matters at your kitchen table.
SAR investigates for the truth, confirming the facts through investigating and reporting.
Communities thrive when they are armed with truth. If you want more than today's press release journalism, click bait and what corporate media spin has to offer, please subscribe.
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***Disclaimer: South Arkansas Reckoning is a reader funded publication, therefore we do not offer refunds for paid subscriptions.***
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Recovering veteran mainstream media investigative journalist who returned to rural Arkansas to seek transparency and report truth without censorship as owner of South Arkansas Reckoning.
Proud Dad to the best son and daughter in America! Advocate for truth and transparency in the media. Owner @ South Arkansas Reckoning Inc. Bringing truth in reporting back to Arkansans one story at a time!